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RIEDL Phasys

Sophisticated Simplicity in Automation

Do you want to automate your pharmacy?

Choose RIEDL Phasys: the fast, reliable and flexible automated warehouse.



We design and build your own RIEDL Phasys, according to your specific needs:

  • it matches your style: finishes, shape, colour…
  • it fits into your space: upstairs, downstairs or in a different room…
  • it adapts to the daily handling of products
  • it adapts to the number of workstations at the counter
  • it adapts to the required capacity


The gripper of RIEDL Phasys is bidirectional and moves through the warehouse at a speed of 5 meters per second. Each gripper can deliver from 360 to over 1,000 packs per hour, drastically reducing the processing time of dispensing requests.



The connection between the gripper and the rest of the system is via a dedicated Wi-Fi network, with no cables.The system is faster to install, simpler to use and maintain and fits in any space.

Energy Saving.

RIEDL Phasys consumes less than half a Kw/h, as a common household. The low weight of the gripper units, the low friction and the integrated KERS technology make the RIEDL Phasys system extremely convenient (about 0,39 Kw/h of consumption). And your bill is lighter too!


All entries inside the machine are protected by certified security systems which, in the case of opening, instantly stop the gripper.


The groundbreaking automatic alignment of packages and shelf self-grading guarantee continuity of service, eliminating inefficencies and system downtimes.

Help 24/7.

The widespread presence of the GPI group in Italy and abroad ensures a prompt intervention and a quick request solution.

If you need assistance, we are always there!


Want to implement your own automated pharmacy?

Contact us without any obligation and we will be happy to offer you our free consultation.

Which shape would best suit your pharmacy?

Which shape would best suit your pharmacy? Contact us without obligation, and we would be happy to offer you our free consultation.